
Understanding The Nutritional Needs of Your Athlete

Understanding The Nutritional Needs of Your Athlete

What Your Athlete Really Needs to Eat:

As a parent, we have the worst job in the world because try as hard as we may we are always left feeling like, damn, I wish I could have done more. Our goal at all cost is to protect, support, uplift, and guide our kids towards whatever goals they may have. Well if your child is an aspiring athlete, one of the main areas you can actually have a great impact is upon their diet. An athlete, like a car, needs to be fueled and fueled properly in order to run at peak performance. Therefore, it's essential to have a solid understanding of the nutritional needs of your athlete. By learning about the different macronutrients, micronutrients, and hydration requirements, you'll be better equipped to create balanced and nourishing meals that support your athlete's growth and performance. In this article, we'll explore these key components of sports nutrition and provide guidance on how to incorporate them into your athlete's daily meal plan. With this foundation in place, you'll be well on your way to fueling your athlete and, who knows, maybe even the entire family for success.



Let’s start with protein, which is essential for muscle growth and repair. Protein also serves to replenish energy stores through a conversion process called gluconeogenesis. It’s imperative that you and your athlete have a general idea of approximately how much protein they are consuming on a daily basis. A good standard practice would be to ensure that your athlete is getting at least 1 gram of protein per 1 pound of body weight they weigh. Protein options can range from poultry, fish, legumes, nuts, seeds, and obviously meat. Beef generally has the highest total protein concentration, with fish tending to have the highest protein concentration per ounce of source.


Next, let’s move to carbohydrates and understand the difference between eating for health and eating for performance. Several of you reading this may be trying carbohydrate-restrictive diets or have heard that carbs can be the devil. Well, to an athlete, not having carbohydrates or restricting them in any fashion would be incredibly detrimental to their baseball and cognitive performance. The best sources of carbohydrates for your athlete are likely going to come from a vast variety of fruits and vegetables, with the occasional introduction of some grain products as well.


Finally, let’s discuss fats and how crucial of a role fat plays in energy replenishment and cognitive capacity for an athlete. Of course, this is not to overshadow or neglect the fact that perhaps the most crucial function fat provides to a growing athlete is the hormonal support it affords. During several developmental stages, your athlete will be going through hormonal balance, and optimization is perhaps the most crucial of all the processes that will occur. This delicate balance can mean the difference between hitting growth, ability, and cognitive milestones or not. Typical fat sources that are going to be considered productive to an athlete are going to come in the form of unsaturated fats, such as oils, nuts, seeds, fatty fish, and of course, everyone's new favorite, avocados. Remember, when thinking about fat, just think growth and development. Without it in their diet, you could be hindering this greatly.


Change one letter and you add a whole lot more complexity; just kidding, let’s uncomplicate this for you! In addition to macronutrients, your athlete requires a variety of vitamins and minerals to support their overall health and baseball performance. Micronutrients are crucial for processes such as bone development, immune function, and energy production. More specifically to baseball athletes, they can help regulate the body's ability to create forceful, accurate, and coordinated muscular actions by heavily influencing the body's cell properties and nerve functioning. Furthering this is a needed discussion on our body's response to sport, or put differently, its ability to recover. There are several micronutrients that help facilitate the lymphatic system, the body's ability to control its inflammatory response, and the capacity to generate, repair, and energize tissues throughout the body. While there are an abundance of micronutrients we could mention, for the sake of this article and frankly boredom, we will adhere to a few that can be the most impactful for your baseball athlete.


First up, let’s discuss sodium and how essential it is for your baseball athlete and their potential to achieve peak performance. Contrary to what you have been told or heard, sodium or salt is not the devil, honestly quite the opposite actually. Basically, if your athlete is not ingesting enough sodium through their traditional diet or supplementation, do not expect them to be a high-achieving athlete! Sodium's role in baseball performance is about as crucial as a steering wheel is to a car's ability to drive in an intended direction. Without it, they're doomed to crash and burn. Sodium helps to regulate the balance of fluids in and around your cells, including muscles and organs. The proper hydration and fluid replenishment throughout the body are highly dependent on sodium. An athlete's ability to become resistant to fatigue is largely predicated on their ability to maintain sodium-potassium balance throughout the bout. In addition, sodium plays a huge role in muscle contraction, helping to improve the accuracy, firing rate, and force behind the contraction and subsequent relaxation of a muscle during movement. This is intricately linked to proper nerve functionality, as sodium allows for effective communication between the brain and muscles during any activity, especially during heightened activity such as sport.

Vitamin D:

Next up, let’s discuss Vitamin D and how crucial it can be to the baseball performance of your baseball athlete. This one nutrient can single-handedly be the greatest asset or detriment to your baseball athlete's career if they are not careful. The proper regulation of this nutrient is vital to peak performance, and honestly, there is a better chance your baseball athlete is deficient in this micronutrient than there is the chance of Republicans and Democrats ever getting along (sorry for the bad joke, but you get it, they're likely deficient). Vitamin D is essential for maintaining proper calcium levels in the body, which happens to be essential for creating any sort of coordinated and forceful muscle contraction. In addition, it plays a key role in muscle protein synthesis as its receptors are present in muscle tissue, suggesting a direct role in muscle function. Research has shown that vitamin D can stimulate muscle protein synthesis, the process by which the body repairs and rebuilds muscle tissue. This is particularly important for baseball athletes, as muscle protein synthesis is essential for muscle recovery, growth, and adaptation following competition (i.e., baseball games), exercise, or practice bouts. Furthering this, its ability to create growth in muscle cells through its effects on satellite cells. Satellite cells are muscle stem cells that contribute to muscle repair, growth, and adaptation in response to exercise. By promoting the activation and proliferation of satellite cells, vitamin D can help support overall muscle health and function. Finally, it can work extremely well on the recovery system by controlling and mitigating the inflammatory response of the body to competition, training, and practice bouts.


Next up, let’s discuss Creatine and no, it is not a steroid, it does not have steroid compounds in it, but its impact on your baseball athlete's performance potential can be astounding. Creatine is a naturally occurring compound found in the body and obtained through the diet, primarily from meat and fish. It plays a vital role in energy production and storage, particularly in activities that require short bursts of high-intensity effort (sounds like a perfect fit for baseball!). With that said, creatine has been perhaps the most widely researched supplement in the world and, as a result, has been proven to provide benefits in areas that reach far beyond baseball performance. Creatine has been found to aid in the body's energy production system. It helps to regenerate adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy source for cells, particularly during short, high-intensity activities. When muscles contract, ATP is broken down to adenosine diphosphate (ADP), releasing energy in the process. Creatine, in the form of creatine phosphate, donates a phosphate group to ADP, converting it back to ATP, thus replenishing the energy supply for muscle cells. In addition, it has been shown to increase power output during high-intensity activities, such as weightlifting, sprinting, and jumping. By providing a more readily available source of ATP, creatine allows athletes to perform at higher intensities with greater force and speed, resulting in improved performance. Naturally, then it would make sense that creatine supplementation can lead to an increase in muscle cell water content, a phenomenon known as cell volumization. This results in a fuller, more muscular appearance and can have positive effects on muscle protein synthesis, contributing to muscle growth. Finally, creatine has been shown to help reduce muscle inflammation and damage following exercise, which can aid in recovery. Faster recovery allows athletes to train more frequently and with greater intensity, resulting in better adaptation and improved performance over time.


In conclusion, supporting your baseball athlete's nutritional goals at home is essential for promoting optimal baseball performance, growth, and overall health. By understanding the importance of proper nutrition, meal planning, and creating family-friendly meals that cater to the specific needs of your baseball athlete, you can make a significant positive impact on their development and success. Encouraging and optimizing eating habits by providing nutrient-dense meals not only benefits your baseball athlete but can also improve the overall well-being of your entire family. Remember that consistency, variety, and balance are key in maintaining a well-rounded diet, and involving your baseball athlete in the meal planning and preparation process can help instill lifelong healthy eating habits. With the right approach, you can support your baseball athlete's nutritional goals and set them up for success both on and off the field.